Hai! so as you know from my previous post, I was on a temporary hiatus as we travelled all the way to Scotiacon in glasgow! It's my first time going to both so it was a nice new experience for me ^w^ Sorry this post was a bit later than expected, I was very tired coming home and I had muscle pains from all that exercise. But maybe that ain't so bad cos it means I'm getting stronger :3 So by the time I posted this, I had the energy to do so. Here we are!
So! on the first day my helper/carer was with me to be my handler, and also because I am too nervous to travel alone.. ^-^; We took a train alllll the way to glasgow where I was chilling, chatting, and doing a bit of plushie making on the go. From my recent posts during the time I shared this journal, I was working on a swift fox plushie of Cody :3 It was a looong journey but fun stuff like that keeps things fun ^-^
And so, we arrive at a glasgow hotel. I never seen so many taxis! :o then again, I don't often get a chance to go to cities often so they're kinda big and exciting to me ^w^ I seen some fellow fursuiters at the hotel which was super fascinating because I never met other fursuiters before! Even though I'm a fursuiter aswell, it was fascinating to me seeing other fursuiters in person ^-^ My handler was the same way, she was use to me being a cute fluffy fox so it was also new to her seeing different kinds of furries aswell :o We checked the place out and we explored glasgow, there are lots of interesting stuff there! :D I like all the fancy neon lights in buildings, thought they were cool ^w^ There was also big black square buildings with huuuge windows! very modern and futuristic!
We went to Build A Bear and I got to experience building one for the first time :3 I never got to do it in person before because sadly there isn't any nearby anymore, so this was nice to experience! I got myself an eevee with a hawaiian shirt ^w^ I think I'll call this one Melvin because it's the eevee I have in games, so Melvin went with me when we went out for dinner-er..brunner! because my helper and I haven't eaten all day, ehh.. ^-^; It's cos we were so busy but we did have snacks, but for me it's normal, I have brunner alot. I shouldn't, because I forget to eat or I prioritise things that I think are more important than eating, but I guess I was use to that kinda thing. Anywho, for brunner we went to TGI Fridays and we got a nice big feast and I got to try some cocktails and mocktails :3 I dunno why but I've always preferred mocktails, alcohol is just way too sour for me! >.< But maybe that's a good thing, I'm scared of knowing what it's like to be drunk, I don't wanna embarrass myself or put myself in danger QwQ so probs for the best anyway. Sweet foods ftw! I also got to try corndogs for the first time and loved em X3 And I got a delicious chicken burger and chips, along with some bbq chicken wings. Yum! I had quite the feast, I was getting full so I had the bbq wings for laterr :3 It was also nice to sit next to Melvin, plushies make me happy :3 I do wish I got to see more of the Build A Bear + toy shop place, the remote control cars looked like alotta fun <:3
We went back to the hotel and Futurama was on tv! I haven't seen that show in yeears! was great to watch it again ^-^ The shower stuff and soaps also smelt lovely, I had a good long shower before I go to Scotiacon tomorrow, because everyone likes a nice smelling clean fursuiter after all UwU What's fascinating is that the tv had german ads, and I noticed they have haribo adverts like we do :3 Oddly their english theme actually sounded better than their original german one. Usually stuff in their native languages tends to be best, but I actually liked the theme with the english language best, I think cos the tune itself sounded better to me, I dunno oguifogfugfoiudgod
After a night time shower, some cartoons, and a rest, we went to Scotiacon and was very confused at first :o Unfortunately I couldn't go to the dealers den as it was a huuuuge queue all the way through the event, so we checked the times and we had fun taking pictures and playing on the inflatables at the airheads event :3 I uh..mmmay of gotten too playful and didn't realise my own strength.. QwQ I glomped one of the inflatable toys but then noticed it was deflating and when I got up there was a big hole..oops! ``/).(\ I was like sorrysorrysorry but thankfully nobody seemed mad at me or anything so uh..no hard feelings? <=D maybe they were use to that kinda thing, accidents happen.. ^-^;; I guess I learnt something about myself, usually I'm gentle 'n' all but I guess sometimes I don't know my own strength when I'm excited, so I do apologise if I play rough <:3
We then went to play Just Dance, I'm very new at the game so it was my first time playing, the only time I did play before was like "demos" at high school, but basically we were watching just dance youtube videos of gameplays and we were seeing if we can do the moves too :3 still just as fun tho! and good practice ^w^ When I was told to go up with others there was 3 dancers and I was in the middle, we did the Hatsune Miko song that was Popipo I think it was called. I don't know alot about Miku but I do like their songs :3 I wasn't sure what my results were as I was still getting use to the layout, and I was a bit rusty I think <:3 Then we did the How Do You Like That song. Love that song! I introduced one of my new and good friends to it too and even she loves it X3 But boy was that dance hard! I was just pure confusion all the way XwX but at least I wasn't the worst, not the best but not too bad either. I was alot better at I'm Blue da ba dee da ba die tho X3 that dance was fun and alot easier I think I nailed it kinda ^w^ my fursona isn't completely blue but I do have a blue mouth, peets, eyes, nose, and inner ears. and fun fact: the cyan on Hazel's ears is actually skin, not fur, so she doesn't have blue fur. Same goes with Sakura, Skye, and many of my ocs who have pink inside their ears, it's skin not fur UwU You'll know it's fur if it looks fluffy, like Cody's ears for instance.
Anyway as much as we would love to stay, we had to go get lunch so we had to leave early as we've to catch a train <:3 We got a McDonalds then made our way back, found some cool coins and some nice shops :3 Bought a sprigatito funkopop which came with a free scratch card, and then I used the coins I found to try out some cool looking nerd candy ^w^ The coins I found were two 20 pences so I was very lucky, I spent it on the nerds along with paying by card UwU On the way to glasgow and back, I was chatting, chilling, cuddling Mr Owl (my great horned owl plushie), listening to loud edm on my headphones, and sewing my Cody plush on the journey, so it has been pretty fun and a nice new experience for me ^w^
When I got home, my guinea pigs were doing fine and still had plenty food and water, they were doing zoomies as soon as I was back XD I think they're excited to see me! Cookie jumped around with her zoomies so much she crashed into Chip and he just did a very grumpy squeak XDDD As for fursuit photos and pictures in general, I should be able to share some eventually! My handler took most of the pics especially of me in fursuit, so I'll have to see when she'll email them to me :3 then I'll share with you guys too! ^w^ so I might not be able to share em straight away until they arrive, but stay tuned and I can share em eventually! I was checking out some of the pics online and recognised alot of the things there X3 though seeing as there was more fun events before and after made me wish we could stay longer QwQ I hope that one day we will be allowed to experience the conventions for more than a day cos it all sounded like alot of fun, especially since Scotiacon's theme was magical mayhem and I love fantasy, and I heard somewhere on their timetable there was like some sort of teamwork adventure game that we sadly didn't have time for. but it looked like it would be alot of fun I hope I get to try out fun games like that in the future <:3 even better if they were fantasy rpg themed <X3
So, it just goes to show! Work real hard on your dreams and one day you'll achieve them for sure! ^w^ Keep working towards them and never give up no matter what, cos who knows, maybe one day you'll get to follow all your hopes and dreams just like I'm doing! ^-^ You only live once, so you may aswell make the most of life while you still can :D So never give up on your hopes, dreams, bucket list, or life goals in general, cos there will be a day where all your dreams will come true (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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